Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week always takes place each year during the first full week in May. You can join #TeachersCan and many school districts, companies, organizations, parents, and others in supporting and thanking teachers in a number of ways. Here are a few:
1. Change your social media profile picture for the week
Show you are a champion for educators by changing your social profile image during Teacher Appreciation Week. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.

2. Thank one of your former teachers or your child’s teacher
Teachers know their work is important, but they don’t always know when they’ve made an impact on a student, or a life. Take a few minutes to honor a teacher who made a difference for you in the past, or who is making a difference for your child today by reaching out and saying thank you, personally or with a letter. Encourage your child to do the same.
3. Honor a teacher with a gift
Teachers appreciate meaningful gifts, snacks, and meals. Find out what your teacher likes or check with their principal and PTA/PTO to find the best way to celebrate their teachers.

4. Share a story about a teacher who impacted your life
When you publicly share a story about teachers who helped you along your journey, you honor that teacher and the entire teaching profession. Teachers see themselves in each other’s work and stories, and by celebrating one teacher, you might also be encouraging others to do the same. We’ve provided some prompts to help get you started.
5. Help stock a teacher’s classroom with supplies
Teachers spend hundreds of dollars out of their own pockets every year to make their classrooms exciting and inspiring learning environments for students. Find out what teachers are needing or running low on and replace those items. That will help ease their burden and give them additional resources to meet the needs of their students.

6. Volunteer to support a teacher
Find out if your teacher could use some extra hands in the classroom, if they need mentors for students, or if they could benefit from a guest speaker or your personal/professional talents. Being in and around the classroom is a great way to identify other opportunities to support teachers and students.
7. Give a gift to your favorite teachers
Purchase #TeachersCan merchandise for your favorite educators via the TeachersCan.org online shop.
8. Follow #TeachersCan’s social media presences
Throughout Teacher Appreciation Week, we’ll be highlighting content and additional ways to support teachers through our social media presences. Please connect with us on your favorite platforms and consider sharing our content so we can reach more teachers and supporters of teachers.
Want to do more?
Learn about other ways to Support Teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week and throughout the entire year.